

Frequently asked questions


We hope you find the answer to your questions below, if not please get in touch.

Together Talks is not a professional counselling or therapy service. Our Volunteer Telephone Befrienders are not trained counsellors or therapists.

Together Talks is a volunteer-led, telephone befriending service, available to all individuals living within Bradford District. Currently hosted at The Bridge Project, the service has been developed in partnership by the local NHS, Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) and Bradford Metropolitan District Council (BMDC). The aim of Together Talks is to promote health and wellbeing, and reduce loneliness and isolation, through the simple act of a regular telephone conversation.

In addition to the core befriending arm of the service, three additional strands have been tailored towards individuals who have recently exited specialised services within the district

A dedicated volunteer who will contact you over the telephone, with whom you can discuss hobbies, interests, or just simply have a talk about the weather and other general points of conversation.

Scientific evidence shows that people need contact with other people to feel happier and healthier. In this difficult time more of us than ever are isolated from family, friends and loved ones. It is very positive and comforting to be able to talk to another person. This will help with self-motivation, self-esteem, self-confidence and improve your overall feeling of wellbeing.

It is important to remember that this service is for telephone only, therefore you should not provide a Telephone Befriender with any other details such as your email address, home address etc. As stated in the Together Talks Code of Conduct, a Telephone Befriender would be in breach of their agreed scope of work if they were to ask you for any other contact details.

The email address that you register with us will be made available to the Together Talks Support Team only. This provides us with a route to remain in regular contact with you during your time with the service.

Yes, anyone aged 18+, and who lives within Bradford & District, can request a Telephone Befriender once their details are registered with the service. You can register your interest by completing an application form.

To ensure you are fully supported by our dedicated Together Talks Support Team, your details will need to be recorded. We also ask details about your availability, and your hobbies and interests, so that we can match you to a suitable Telephone Befriender. The application form is very simple and does not ask for details that are not necessary for a good service delivery. The information will be stored securely and digitally under the current GDPR legislation.

There is a direct telephone number for you to contact the Together Talks Support Team to discuss your requirements. Telephone: 01274 952 200.

Telephone Befrienders are not permitted to ask for your address or any other form of contact, other than the number you provided.

This is a combined service led by professionals from the NHS, Bradford Metropolitan District Council (BMDC), the Bradford Voluntary Community Sector and their partners. It is delivered by trained volunteers once they have completed the necessary training to become a Telephone Befriender.

Yes, the Befriender sends a regular update to the Together Talks Support Team about how the chats went and the team analyse these reports to pick up on any welfare or safeguarding concerns.

Join us today and become a Befriender